
“Autumn is a second Spring and every leaf’s a flower.” 


                                           -Albert Camus 


 Happy Fall! For some this may seem late since it is already November, but I believe in giving each season it’s due and to me September is a pageant of sunflowers, back to school cookies, new shoes, home fluffing and for us in Texas a kind of Indian summer feeling on the weekends. 

 October is the time of anticipation for the holidays to come. We all become children as we eat candy and dress up as something fanciful for Halloween. It is a time to remember those lost on All Saint’s Day for some and Day of the Dead for others.  

Darkness deepens in November; the clock leans back, and we do as well. To me this is the month when I light the fire and a bourbon vanilla candle and get creative and contemplative.  

 I grew up enjoying ranches this time of the year and even owned a ranch home for a time where I felt so at home this time of year. As a child it is because we were bird hunters, but for me as an adult, ranches were places to drink in natures beauty and spin it into my own creations in the kitchen and on the table. I would forage for leaves and possum haw berries to adorn the Thanksgiving table for our sweet family. I would make cookies and pies to arrange on my great grandmothers table on lovely pedestals for all to admire before they were devoured.  

 This month I have the privilege of going back to enjoy the Fall for a weekend with Big Mike and remember our beautiful Fall wedding on Sweetheart Ridge, the name of our heaven on earth. The new owners are friends and kindly allow us to go back in time occasionally and enjoy the wonderous sunsets, take long walks along the vast prairies of Bosque County. To thank them I am planning to forage and arrange a beautiful centerpiece and decorate their table for the holiday.  

 I will be sure to share the pictures with you and of course can’t wait to adorn your tables with flowers and cookies.  

 It is a rare gift to go back to something you dearly loved to glean more insight and inspiration. To me this is the beauty of Fall. For us we will Fall back into one of the loveliest places we have ever been and fall in love all over again. For you I hope you have a chance to fall back on something you loved as well. Perhaps it is an old tradition. Maybe you feel you are falling behind in some endeavor and need fresh inspiration.  I hope as you embrace natures cue to let the old go and rest as we wait for new joys and challenges to emerge you will think of us and how thankful we are for your love for our cookies and flowers.  


Looking Back,  




2022, we love you.